An American contemporary artist who works primarily in painting and printmaking.
The subject of his work is usually maps, flags, numbers and targets, created with acrylic paint and other materials such as plaster.
His work was usually surreal and the colours are contrasting or complimentary.
Many of his paintings are styled in pop-art style.
Lisa Milroy

An Anglo-Canadian, contemporary still-life painter, mostly painting items such as shoes/clothes and vases in the form of collections. Her work is often painted on plain backgrounds, the painted items are in formations such as grids and lines.
Her work is usually oil on canvas. The colours compliment and the painted items stand out, due to the usual lack of/pale background.
Jim Dine
Jim Dine is an american pop-artist/traditional artist and sculptor.
In his art he uses mixed media, including ink, pencil, paint, etc.
He is famous for many of his artwork presenting tools, which are usually in colours with low saturation, almost gray-scale.
His pop-art however, was usually constructed out of contrasting, intense colours. It was usually showing every-day items, presented in a pop-art style.
Eric Conklin
An artist working in the Trompe L'Oeil style.
As the materials he uses oil and paint on oak board. He uses realistic colours, often warm, brown to orange and paints the background of the pieces black, making the bright colours more stood-out.
The images often feature paintings, making the "painting within a painting" effect simillar to the work of Cornelius Gijsbrechts.
Paul Wright
A british decorative artist, specialised in the Trompe L'Oeil style. His materials of choice are watercolour or acrilyc paints on canvas. The subjects of his work are usually landscapes.
I think tthat his choice of materials makes him different from other artists, who mostly use ink or oil. His work is somehow "messy", but with a high amount of details, which makes it simillar to Jim Dine.